Fixing to (do) something

-->Fixin' ta ---> Fina
by Ryan June 14, 2006
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A term of joyful exclaimation. Also used to replace a sigh of relief. (When saying the words fina-fina, be sure to evenly space the first fina and the second. There is no rush. Don't say them to quickly. Fina....Fina ya' heard me playboi?)
Man, fina-fina! This was a long-ass day of work.
by Lil Tweezey July 8, 2006
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A synonym for "going to"
I fina go get my hair done today.
by Kid Billy January 31, 2004
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Fina is an amazing girl that will continue to amaze you. she is beyond talented in every way. She has an amazing sense of humor and makes good jokes, all though her friends do make fun of her constantly. She is stunning and will always know how to make you smile. If you make her smile it'll be worth it because her smile is gorgeous.

All though a fina may seem perfect she's often insecure. She also constantly puts herself down and second guesses herself. She needs constant reminder how amazing she is. She's wicked smart... book smart more than street smart. if you have fina in your life make sure you hold on to her because it'll be worth it.
"Do you know fina" - Zaine
"she's my best friend she's absolutely gorgeous huh"
"beyond gorgeous" - Zaine
by Jay_11427 November 26, 2021
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refers to an attractive female; a hot looking chick.
by finacologist September 21, 2013
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Fina is defined in many forms, but one definition of Fina is"Kaea." However, she is loved by all for her humorous jokes and personality. She also knows how to get down to any given song. Fina's are strong, independent ladies that are ready for the world. They also are prepared for crusty haters that try to dish beef.
by Hilarious101 November 26, 2017
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