
when you bark and fart at the same time
by LunchTREY September 1, 2023
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when you bark and fart at the same time
by LunchTREY September 1, 2023
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(verb) pronounced FAR-k
Mostly pertains to dogs smaller in statue, it’s an event that occurs when excited little dogs want to bark really loud! The pressure inside their bodies while attempting this action causes whatever pressure not released from the Bark, is instead released out their clenched anus emitting a fart at the exact same time.
Thus saving the little dog from any broken ribs or stomach issues from unreleased gases.
As win, “Do you know your dog barks AND farts at the same time?”

“Sure I do, it’s a FARK. His butt is like a pressure release valve.”
by yogafrogger June 25, 2023
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A place where discrimination is prevalent and appropriated. You have no rights there.
"I am from Fark."
by #jibby August 21, 2021
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1) when a drunken red neck gets pulled up for drink driving
2) when you sharted and wanna combine fuck to the word
Cop: sir I am placing you under arrest for drink driving
Red Neck: FARK
by Lockdown303yt July 2, 2019
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The physical sound and act of actually barking. Can be referred to as fake barking because When your fur-member barks at someone that is at the door. However, upon getting up and going to the door you then realize that you just got played because no one is at the door.
Dude, why are you farking at the door no one is even there!
I swear if you dont stop farking I'm putting you In the kennel.
by Chow Chow Consultant March 17, 2020
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Rubbing thy anus in circular motions till you have to fart.
I was farking earlier and then i had to shit.
by Z0AR0 June 6, 2024
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