2 definitions by The Vixen Queen

A book by Lauren Kate. It's very complex and leaves even the smartest of people like me in the dust. It's strange twists and turns and unaccpected sentences surprise and this book captures the attention of the reader. I'm having a hard time not reading the book as I'm typing this.
Guy: Hey, what are you reading?
Me: Dude, I'm reading Fallen by Laurn Kate.

Guy2: Yea, that book rules. It's so attention grabbing and complex
by The Vixen Queen March 28, 2010
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A candian singer. Avril is a very talented sing. Stop being a little b!tch and leave her alone. Avril rules, her songs rule, and that's all that matters so yea. fvck off b@sterds, you got that? Stop giving crap and listen to a song or two. Like 'Don't Tell Me' wich is about NOT being a skank and about saying no to the whole sex pressure and being non-slutty. She sure has subsance, a lot more than The Jonas Brothers. Case closed.
Girl1: Man, JB rules so much. Unlike Avril Lavigne.
Girl2: Chika you're INSANE! JB is GAY, Avril RULES.
Girl1: Oh no you didn't!
Girl2: Oh yes I did.

Girl1: Oh it's on!
Girl2: *Shoots girl1* Avril rocks, JB is gay. Case closed little dead girl.
by The Vixen Queen March 28, 2010
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