Fuub stands for Fuck U Ugly Bitch. It is not a Noun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb, or anything like that it is a substitute for words


It is not always used in it's proper terms.
You may say, WHAT THE FUUB

yes it doesn't make sense
by Scott Fulton June 5, 2007
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fuck you ugly bitch, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuub.
i fuub you. go fuub yourself. you are a fat fuuber.
by fuubster June 5, 2007
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A social revolution disguised as a t-shirt company. It's secret identity is 3 guys 2 girls, 1000 ninjas and one gagillion perfect ideas! FUUB promotes mediocrity, social disorder and severe alcoholism. FUUB hates you, so hate it.
'I know tae kwon DON'T F WITH ME' -FUUB t-shirt
by noname08 April 13, 2006
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to belly dance.
Originates in Sweden. There is a popular wives tale about an old woman named Haezel Fuubenraukis, who was a unicorn farmer. She once went on a pilgrimage to Egypt to get more unicorns. When she arrived in Egypt the men refused to sell their unicorns to a woman, without the knowledge of the "special dance". Therefore, Haezel recieved lessons from the Egyptian Queen, Cleopatra. Upon arrival, Haezel not only had unicorns, but a new dance to show to everyone. She could not pronounce the words "belly" or "dance" therefore, she named it "Hae Fuub" after herself.
"Hey, the other day Tony Danza and I went to Hae Fuub class together. He has crazy, chizzled, rock hard abs!"
by Tay123456 September 28, 2007
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