FBI stands for Federal Bureau of Investigation
The FBI is a security service of the United States
The FBI is otherwise known as the CIA which means Central Intelligence Agency
Use Tape to cover your computer s the FBI cant spy on you.
by DanielDoesSTUFF_Youtube December 27, 2018
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FBI stands for Federal Bureau of Investigation
The FBI is a security service of the United States
The FBI is otherwise known as the CIA which means Central Intelligence Agency
Use Tape to cover your computer s the FBI cant spy on you.
by DanielDoesSTUFF_Youtube December 27, 2018
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Guy 1: Why did you buy a VPN?
Guy 2: so that the FBI doesn't know what I'm watching.
Guy 1: Understandable, have a nice day.
by The Fact Librarian January 9, 2022
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An organization of people who have complete control over your data except they don't use it to hakz u unlike Tiktok and/or Facebook.
guy one: Damn the FBI is gonna kick down ur door if u continue looking at anime nsfw
guy two: I am not care
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The one thing you can yell and get access to anywhere possible.
*at a museum*

Random 20 year old: FBI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*guard makes way*
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FBI Is an big community full with people that ddos, dox and swat they are mostly known in fortnite, gta com they are the biggest groups with big people in it like doxbin members
by Fedded June 30, 2021
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