1: erotic stimulation one receives by enlarging beyond the bounds of truth, verbal manipulation, of various combinations of these agencies
the man exaggerbates his virtues
by CB Smith October 28, 2004
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"Bull-Shitting" because it feels good.
No example. Just use your immagination... "exaggerbate"

If you feel like embelishing a story because it gets more laughs, cringes, pukes or "mutual stimulation" and you get-off on it, then you are "exaggerbating".
by Michael Ciaro August 25, 2010
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To tell Exaggerated Tales of a Sexual Nature.
Are they true, these tales you tell of your experiances with the cheerleaders? Or do you,perhaps,just exaggerbate?
by Waboa February 1, 2009
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The act of masturbating in a closed off room and then coming out and bragging about how you just had sex.
Guy 1: Dude, i just got laid!
Guy 2: No you didn't your just exaggerbating.
by Nikoliah November 6, 2011
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verb: Exaggerbate - Exaggerbating - Exaggerbates - Exaggerbated

To inflate your claims beyond any reasonable truth to make oneself feel better.

To make false statements in order to please yourself.

To flat-out lie and say the exact opposite of what is true because the truth hurts you too much.

To self aggrandize.

To be a Trump.
Trump is on Fox again...

He's exaggerbating how much he helped (the economy/ the COVID response/ Kim Jung-Ill relations/ Minorities/ Women/ middle-America/ local Manufacturing/ small businesses/ suburbs/ Middle East affairs/ Casinos/ … oh hell, it is endless…)


A: I told her I was a doctor, so she would go out with me again.
B: You know you get what you deserve when you exaggerbate.
by RevDr. Biko October 19, 2020
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One who exaggerates about how much they masturbate.
"I have never masturbated in my life" said the Nun
"I masturbate 5 times a day" said the man with no hands.

Both of the above are exaggerating about their self amusement efforts and can therefore each be considered an exaggerbator.
by Robbo1963a August 20, 2014
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Claiming that you've just had sex, while failing to mention that the sexual partner was your hand.
Guy 1: I got laid AGAIN last night! Hive five this, bro!
Guy 2: No way, I know you are exaggerbating again, I saw you come out of your room alone.
by JustinAndout September 4, 2018
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