4 definitions by Nikoliah

When an English teacher starts out nice at the beginning of a school but than later snaps and becomes a mean teacher that randomly yells at kids.
Guy 1: What ever happened to Ms. teacher? she used to be so nice!
Guy 2: Yea but shes so mean now.
Guy 1: I know, she has English Teacher Syndrome (ETS)
by Nikoliah November 6, 2011
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Pretending to have an orgasm during sex and then showing that you didn't climax in order to hurt the self esteem of your sexual partner.
Chick: I made you climax sooooo hard!
Dude: no you didn't, that was just a sargasm
by Nikoliah November 6, 2011
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The act of masturbating in a closed off room and then coming out and bragging about how you just had sex.
Guy 1: Dude, i just got laid!
Guy 2: No you didn't your just exaggerbating.
by Nikoliah November 6, 2011
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When a person who is fully aware that you are wearing earbuds and listening to music, but completely ignores them, thus continuing their conversation undeterred.
Guy 1: Hey should i drink Coke or Pepsi...
Guy 2: Listening to music
Guy 1: Well what do you think?
Guy 2: did u say something?
Guy 1: Yea i want to...
Guy 2: What are you, Earbud blind? go away.
by Nikoliah November 6, 2011
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