When someone is in touch with both their Masculinity as well as their Femininity and are in an equilibrium of the two
Jake: Malakai is pretty feminine, Isn't he?

Lana: I'd say he's both masculine and feminine. He's equilibriumic
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1. A state of balance resulting from the equal actions of opposite forces.

2. A movie by Kurt Wimmer.
If you are holding an object in mid-air (Not using your hands, by something like a fan) then you have created equilibrium in the object.
by Isaac20 January 21, 2007
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What you blame it on.
But I'm innocent, blame it on my equilibrium
by AngelaLanning October 28, 2010
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Yo have you seen equilibrium??? best movie EVAR!!
by Furon September 28, 2005
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Formerly an underground Hip-Hop supergroup from Tampa, Florida consisting of Celph Titled, DutchMassive and Majik Most.

Known for singles such as "Windows 98" and "Fahrenheit 813".

"Windows 98" sampled the Windows 95 start up sound. It was rumored that Bill Gates himself had called the group approving of the song.

After a long absence the group came together for the song "Time Travels On" on Celph Titled's album Nineteen Ninety Now.
Equilibrium need to do another album!
by L. Vallario July 3, 2011
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