Elie is usually a dickhead that tries to be funny but there not. Tries to be the class clown and is actually really bad at school. He is also known for being dumb and an asshole
There is so many Elies in my class
by Unknownfactsaboutpeepsnames March 23, 2017
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Eli is the type of friend who will always be there for you no matter what. He won't be the one you call up to go get drinks with downtown but he's the one who will always be there to give you professional advice, financial advice, or just any second opinion about any serious life changing decisions. He's the friend who will always try to help you solve any problems in life, in school, or in work. Even if he has no knowledge on the matter he will immediately drop everything to go learn in order to help you out. You can always count on Eli's to be the friend who will help you with literally anything. Eli's only ask their friends to be honest with them and to trust them and to be patient.
Eli is a great friend, he spent 10 hours yesterday helping me clean out my garage.
by Jack9736 August 2, 2021
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Girl (or boy) name that is very rare to find, but if you meet a person with this name...you have unlocked an achievement. They're really over emotional chill understanding people and you always have a bomb ass time when your with them
Damn, last night was so turnt it felt like elis.
by vvifi March 6, 2016
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The nice guy that you sit behind in almost all of your classes. He is impossibly tall and hot, and what most girls would call the perfect guy. He treats you like a queen, and laughs at all of your jokes, even when they aren't funny at all. He has enough humour to make a room full off people roll around laughing. He's smart, but not so smart that you feel dumb compared to him. He's the one that any girl would be lucky to have.
Friend: Omg, I heard you and Ely were a thing now!
You: Oh, yeah, do you think we're a good match?
Friend: He's Ely, he's a good match for anyone! Yes, of course, I'm so happy for you!
You: Aw, thank you so much!
by Disappointmxnt February 17, 2019
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When I was writing this Eli was eating a bell pepper. Eli likes bell peppers.
Person 1: What does Eli like.
Person 2: bell peppers.
by The Rigs man December 6, 2018
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