
The act of traveling to wine country for a casual weekend trip with the girls and spending $13,468 on wine and paying with a debit card so you don’t even get the points.
Mel, you spent $13,468 on wine? And you used my debit card? This is egregious
by wewwwee October 24, 2020
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Adjective, meaning conspicuously and outrageously bad.
Types of egregious things vary from a "gross injustice" to an "egregious ass" to a "fragrant violation of human rights."
Ex. Conversation

Alex: Your breath is egregious.

Jack: Huh? You can't use hard words like that, you know I never went to college.
by Fryen Pan December 27, 2010
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SAT word to criticize poor officiating.
That call was egregious!
by BenJoviUSA March 31, 2014
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A word used by the Social Justice Warriors of Tumblr to express their shock when they want to confuse and talk down to us shitlords. Egregious is typically followed by the term "Patriarchy" or "Rape Culture".
"Uhh don't you know about the egregious state of society? We're obviously living in a patriarchy you shitlord"

"Debrah I just asked for the time"
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When someone does something so bad, you can't describe it any other way.
Timothy: *Drops a thermonuclear bomb onto Afghanistan*
Theodore Johnathan Paisley II: Egregious!
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Conspicuously offensive. The only definition there is.
Jeez Louise, that genocide in Darfur sure is egregious to those of us who respect human rights.
by Chris Caesar May 30, 2005
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Conspicuously bad or when the wealth build a huge mansion
egregiously built mansion is a big over built house
by mainegoodstuff December 25, 2011
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