"We should smoke some durrel and watch the big game tonight."
by Yon96 July 22, 2008
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Durrell is a cute athletic boy who gets all the girls and a very nice caring person. So once you get durrell as a friend or significant other never let go off him
by ryanscotclassof1992 September 13, 2021
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When the cashier snatches your credit card and asks "What's your fragrance?"
Yo dawg, that cashier just durrelled you!

I ain't going in that store. Every time I go in there they durrell me.
by Ayee2229 May 27, 2021
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for fucks sake Durrell, tone your fucking language down!
by Razza January 14, 2004
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A very hansom and delightful male. Often referred to as the top of the food chain.
by James Hammock June 26, 2008
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acts like a bitch. can be very childish and arrogant. believes he is always right. finds a way to blame everything on his self. tries to avoid issues.
Durrell cried after getting an F on a test.
by lexi306 February 27, 2009
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Male who loves female highschool math teachers, particularly ones who were precocious as a child and who continue in adulthood to have endearing youthful qualities. Durrell will defend his math teacher's honor. He has many facets to his personality, but kindness and loyalty to the ones he loves stand out. Durrell needs some math tutoring. He has an exam coming up.
Durrell:Man with large head full of lots of stuff, cook, part time crab cake fabricator, part time crab cake consumer, sushi head, thinks with his dipstick, laughs at random things, including randomness itself
by billybobchilders March 7, 2010
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