Adj, - A word to describe someones whose actions are that of a douche or douchebag.
Rick: "Can I see your iPhone? I wanna play a song, cuz everyone is bored of Creed..."
Hernan: "NO!"
Rick: "Wow... Alright. You don't have to act so doucheous..."
by A Breed of Sushi January 25, 2009
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Today's northforkian slang term for the older geniration's rightiousor tubendicular.
1:DUDE!! That chick is doucheous!!! 2.Dude, this cupcake is doucheously delicious.
by idonthinksogr9 December 20, 2008
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A person that is the prime example of a douchebag. Maybe the term douchebag is too light a word to describe them. They think that they're all that and a bag of chips, and refuse to accept that they suck at life. Oftentimes they call other people douches because they are in denial of their own douche-ness.
"I pop muh collah and get all da bitches followin me around."

Bystanders: "Man, that guy's not just a douche, he's a doucheous maximus!"
by Camen510 August 25, 2007
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To be a particularly massive and stuck up type of douche bag. Like Lucious Malfoy, only a douchey version.
You: "Dude you just cut in front of me"

DM: "You snooze you looze dweeb"

You: "Dude you are such a doucheous malfoy"
by Katy Dee July 7, 2010
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the way people used douchebag in the medieval times
Adam is a sir doucheous baggous.
by JuicyJ October 11, 2007
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2. Just the hugest douche that's ever lived. Quite literally, a vagina cleanser in a human's body
3. Any man who's ever said the word d-bag instead of douchebag
"Wow, he's such a major douche"
"Not only that, but he's a Doucheous Rex"
by Douche Expert March 12, 2009
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