Brody: Bro, I went to this frat party last night and got SO FUCKED UP BRO. My ass hurts too for some reason but it was fun bro, you should have been there bro.
Tom: Did you know you're a douchefag?
Tom: Did you know you're a douchefag?
by slamthevagina March 23, 2011
Used to describe those who have gone beyond being a Douche(bag), and/or a Faggot. They exercise many tendencies that are to be made fun of, and rarely have witty if good come backs.
Pronounced; Dhey-shh-fag
Pronounced; Dhey-shh-fag
by The Neutrachrist October 29, 2005
Justin: Hey man will you stop flirting with my girlfriend?
Dante: No fucker, it doesn't even mean anything because she knows I'm with Kyle..
Scott: Wow Dante, you are a douchefag!
Dante: No fucker, it doesn't even mean anything because she knows I'm with Kyle..
Scott: Wow Dante, you are a douchefag!
by Chris.T. January 11, 2009
A homosexual man who for some reason thinks he's cool and is just like a douchebag (hence the term douchefag) but is attracted to men. All of his friends are slutty, desperate whores who give it up to anyone who will have them.
A douchefag defends his slutty female friends in all situations, even though she's probably majorly desperate and pathetic.
by kjsdklfaj March 20, 2010
by wood9412 February 14, 2009
Coolguy: Hey man, have you got the time?
Ash: Let me look at my gay-beastial porn in peace, u little cunt!!
Coolguy: :| what a douchefag
Ash: Let me look at my gay-beastial porn in peace, u little cunt!!
Coolguy: :| what a douchefag
by Gazzmanian-Devil April 20, 2009
Not to be associated with douchebag, which it has no resemblence to; douchefag is a means of insulting someone who is isn't fast enough to react or is unknowing of the situation.
by tha bruce March 31, 2008