The term has several contexts, consider the following:

1. In the general slang originating from the UK: A woman; often jailbait who sleeps with a bouncer, or entices a bouncer for favors.
2. Someone who holds the door for important people trying to get a word in to establish a connection to "get ahead in the world"
3. Probably my favorite: a term used in marine corps boot camp to describe the person last in line who holds the door for the platoon given the nickname "door whore" for the entirety of chow. Usually required to greet incoming DI's, and Officers.
Door whore skipped the line
Door whore didnt get a word in to that banker. That floozie never stood a chance.
You're last in line? Up front you're door whore.
by ruralchaingang December 22, 2022
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When someone uses a friend to connect to another
Brandon's girlfriend got my number off his phone and tried to side door me for information about where he was last night.
by Rodneylr July 7, 2016
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To aggressively scrape the bottom of the car door on the high granite curbs of small town in Vermont.
Andy was vermonting the door so bad in Brattleboro VT that we had to get out of the car so it would raise up enough to be able to move the door.
by Double Z September 30, 2021
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1. Something or someone that controls what enters or exits
2. An anus or vagina
3. A person using a prophylactic
Chris: I had great sex last night
Joe: Cool!
Chris: Don't worry, I had a condom on door duty
by Two Spoon Destroyer November 18, 2020
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A door handle that has been dipped in cheese
That stupid heck joe just touched the cheese door lol haha hah
by glixxxxxx October 3, 2019
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The process in which you open the door to the toilet after using it without washing your hands!
Wow, did you see that bloke? He just did a knob hand door touch! Be careful
by 3 finger fred March 11, 2016
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Fuzz is a common slang term for police. Door fuzz is a correctional officer as they check on inmates through the windows in cell doors.
The door fuzz saw me shove something under my mattress and searched me for contraband.
by Chazzy axe maker May 6, 2021
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