Like from shrek
by Reaper1257x November 11, 2020
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Most commonly used when bunny hopping up stairs, donkay is a one of a kind word that was originated by shrek, and made famous by yours truly. Combinding this word with bogner should only be used in serious situations and pissing off your father.
My father beat me after my final “donkay” on the thirteenth step.
by Donkey-Bogner January 5, 2019
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Donkay means many things. Originally it was an expression of excitement, as in, you are in an airport on your way to a hedonistic Hawaiian vacation and you exclaim, "Donkay!!"

Oddly, it morphed into meaning, "penis" and then started being used to describe the sex act, even the vagina. It morphed again as a term of endearment, "Hey donkay girl"- it can even be used as a salutation, as in "donkay" (initial text to someone)- that person might respond with, "Donkay!" or something entirely different like, "what are you up to?"

Again, "Donkay" means many things.
"I hope your new BF has a big donkay!"

"Did you let him get to third base and touch your donkay?"

"It's certainly not very lady-like to get donkay'd on your first date!

"Donkay girl! long time no talk to!"
by Sab Fab and Jula Hoop January 19, 2014
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A way to say thank you. Almost Pronounced like donkey. Put some pizzazz into it though. DoNKaY.
Person 1: Here, I gotchu some chips man.
Person 2: DoNKAY
by Mishyu June 11, 2018
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The best thing to ever exist if someone calles out “chef donk..” you must always respond with “ayyyyyyy!!”
Chef donk... Aaaaaaaayyyyy!! Chef donkay
by Chef donkay November 6, 2019
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a sexy beast of a donkey. if you meet one Shrek is near
"Man that is one fine donkay right they
by drobyboi December 20, 2019
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