Roleld Mc Doneld
by Queen of Australia March 19, 2003
by BrandonWalsh April 9, 2014
by Fred Jung. October 17, 2003
A state of depression. Unblissful.
by zZz_Jinxy_zZz January 11, 2007
by Spunky McPunk November 30, 2004
Despondent means feeling disappointed, dejected or even depressed. In simple words, feeling extremely sad.
by PiPd1234 October 30, 2023
Example 1: why are you so despondent with everything I try to do?
Example 2: S/he is so depondent with everything going on in his/her life.
Example 2: S/he is so depondent with everything going on in his/her life.
by cecile poisedon May 30, 2009