
Boy's name of Arabic origins, usually a first name (75%). Rare and exotic, not to be confused with 'Fayez', 'Faez', 'Faiz', 'Fayz'

Accepted meanings: Generous, Munificient, Giver
Attributed to: Success, Great Potential

Uniqueness: Very Unique. It is unlikely that one 'Fayaz' may meet another 'Fayaz' in his lifetime.

Individuals with this name tend to be very warm and friendly. They are extremely reliable and are often found taking care of others. Their nature is to give generously. They are usually very successful.

Individuals with this name are known to be artistic, charismatic, romantic and flirtatious. A boy named 'Fayaz' is often perceived as effeminate due to his high sexuality and sense of comfort around the opposite gender.
Person A: Do you know someone that could help me?
Person B: Yeah, talk to Fayaz.

Person A: Who gave you that?
Person B: Fayaz

Girl A: Who's that pretty-boy over there?
Girl B: Oh, that's Fayaz!
by d15 August 12, 2009
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A very good shedlya, can eat biryani of 4 guys single handedly. One leg piece is not enough, at least 4 required.
Hey your mouth seems to be very chubby, are you Fayaz?
by Gooooooneeee November 24, 2021
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