by Gdog2006 November 23, 2019
by ightdudewtf November 5, 2019
beautiful people with the brightest smiles are born on this day. However the brightest smiles contain the most sadness.
Jin had always felt so much sadness towards that subject and didn’t want anyone to feel the same way so he tried his best to make everyone laugh and smile. This was due to the fact that he was born on December 4th
by jyptrash October 16, 2019
December 4 , NOT ONLY about Jin but about those who were born on December 4 . They're loveable and always find everything cute . goodnight xoxo cutie ♡
by Jshaun December 18, 2019
He/She is incredibly talented, intelligent, beautiful and unique, has a great sense of humor, it's always right and he/she is a really good kisser and lover
by BornInDecember October 16, 2019
by CrackkkkheD November 26, 2019
by darkroad💉 December 3, 2019