Damnitity is a measurement of how much of a damn problem something is, or of its "damned" power.
"The damnitity of this house gets worse every day."
by PestilencePuppet February 20, 2004
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1) A phrase used when pissed.
2) Abrv. for damn it.
Damnit, that was my last muffin.
by Zach G. October 28, 2003
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The bolt and bracket assembly used to hold equipment in a communications rack, such as a Compaq or Dell rack.
Did you put the damnit in the right holes?
by Sonyfreek November 8, 2005
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1) A proclamation of anger, pain, or sadness.
2) Noun. A dumb and/or mean person.
3) Verb. To damn something.
1) Steve shouted "DAMNIT!" when he fell down.
2) Get that shit off of my table, damnit!
3) Damnit to hell!
by SPGLink February 27, 2003
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the exclamation that is screamed when you realize that the hair in your ears is growing faster than it can be plucked, while the hair on your head is falling out by the bushel.
Why in the hell is there so much freaking hair growing out of my ears.... damnit! time is cruel.
by aging uncracefully April 3, 2005
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One of the few good Blink 182 Songs
Damnit is the best Blink song ever!
by Nightzz December 19, 2003
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The phrase "God Damnit", which when expressed in a grammatically correct fashion would read "God Damn It," is a vulgarity used to express frustration. It's literal definition is "May the Christian God Damn it to Hell". In slang, it is a phrase used in a generally non-religious context. For example, if one cannot get an electronic device to work properly, one might exclaim "God Damnit!", meaning that you are so upset with the device you wish that God would condemn it to eternal damnation.

It is rarely used literally, and is considered a lesser of vulgarities, though to the extremely religious it is considered highly offensive. In the Christian faith it is considered a violation of one of the ten commandments.
"I can't get this VCR to work! God Damnit!"
by James E. Bradford June 25, 2006
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