the act of no longer crying because you are a queen. if you are told queen never cry you must STOP to serve serious cunt
baby: crying
mother: queen never cry
baby: 👿
by charlottesays November 24, 2024
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when no ones there for you even when they say they are. they ask you questions and you respond but they ignore it and move onto the person they like better. you wanna tell them how you feel but you’d end up losing your only two friends. i guess no one can really be the perfect friend :)
1: so what do you think of this magic trick? be brutally honest with me

2: i can see it in your hand maybe go faster
3: it’s good!!
1: thanks r/n i live for your acceptance/reassurance!
*in person 1’s thoughts* my cry for help
<this happens everyday and i cant do it anymore>
by November 6, 2020
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Pussy bitch who cries to their mom
Peter your a mama cry
by xfaneto August 7, 2019
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My friend: I was crying on camera and posted it
Me: that is cringe
by Katsuki<3 December 3, 2022
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the lord’s game
far cry 5 is the lords game
by Kanye Southeast October 25, 2023
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When a girl is giving a blow job while twisting/touching a guys nipples which leads to a yell/moan that sounds like an Apache war-cry
Hey Steve is that blood on your shirt?

Oh yeah it’s my nipples, my girl gave me an Apache war-cry last night, it was amazing!
by Elephants30 September 9, 2024
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