1) Verb. Mild romantic inclinations towards somebody. Most common in young teens although can happen to anybody. They are often non-sexual and can be very awkward for everyone involved. They are most common in females but can often occur in males too. The crush could be both somebody they know or a celebrity.
2) Noun. A person who is being crushed(1) on.
1) She has such a massive crush on Zac Efron. It was funny when she was younger but now it's just embarrasing.

2)She's making an extra effort with her hair today because somebody told her that her crush might be there.
by AngelofLily August 6, 2009
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A person who will never crush on u back
You: Umm....so I have a crush on u, and I was wondering if u have a crush on me.
Crush: *uno reverse card*
You: :(
by Imnotfunny:) November 26, 2019
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A person that makes you feel horny--HAPPY! I meant happy! They can either be your first love or CRUSH your heart, your self confidence, and give you depression for a few months.
Friend: "So who's your crush."
Me:" Well I do think your mom is pretty sexy."
Friend: "What the fuck??"
by FriedNapkinsOfficial November 26, 2019
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It is a crush because if they do not like you back you get crushed
If you like a girl and she does not like you back you are crushed
by The_Truth_3443 October 14, 2019
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Definition 1: To apply pressure onto a object so much it implodes or collapses

Definition 2: a crush is someone you have feelings for but you haven't professed your love to them yet,crushes are usually temporary lasting a couple of months to a couple of years but there is a small chance that your crush will blossom into a relationship but most of the time crushes can leave you feeling depressed because you can't be with them or they rejected you.
Betty:I have a crush on Steven

Kyle:Do you want me to tell him you have a crush on him?
Betty:Oh god no I'd be so embarrassed I wouldn't know how to talk to him...
Kyle:That's okay you can take your time.. :>

Steven:The hydrolect press crush almost anything.

Betty:Wow you're so smart. UwU
by aRandomNoob7 November 15, 2020
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There's a fine line between love and pain.

Easiest way to die? Loving someone who doesn't love you back.
You'll die every day.
I'm crushing hard on Mia, but she doesn't even know I'm alive.
by flaming_panic March 13, 2018
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