When you pass a spliff/joint/blunt to someone all the way across the room and you don't want to get up, so you both reach out your hands really far, so as to resemble Michelangelo's Sistine Ceiling.
with one hand cupped over mouth "dude, creation of adam" joint extended
by johnmb April 17, 2009
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An oxy-moron. (With the emphasis on the latter.)
Creation Scientist: The Big Bang Theory violates the First Law of Thermodynamics, and is therefore wrong. This proves that God created the universe.

Real Scientist: But creation by God also violates the First Law of Thermodynamics, so that theory must be wrong, too. You can't have it both ways.

Creation Scientist: (pause) Burn in Hell!
by AzISeeIt April 1, 2011
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1.realizing a concept and putting it into form.

2.also used for accidently created life form
example 1."my accidental creation turned out to be a smash hit"

example 2."seanie's mom and dad didnt mean to conceive him, it was done out of pity sex and his mommy trapping his daddy to stay out of his own miserable will"
by Dont have a name March 9, 2008
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A brand of childrens toys that are generally directed at young girls, found exclusively in Australian Target stores. Well known for their ability to attract nearby Haileys.
Target Staff: Can I impress you with our large range of Funky Creations?

*From nowhere a Hailey charges through the crowd towards the funky creations*
by wink ;) August 5, 2007
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Creationist supporters who promote Creationism (a.k.a Intelligent Design)as an alternative form of science.
Creationsim is not Science, but a form of philosphy.
"Those so called Creation Scientist at town meeting were just trying to covertly insert religion into our science text books" Bob said to his 10 year old son.
by ????^_^???? June 12, 2006
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Adopting the unique position of allowing the paying customers to do all your work for you while you just sit around and make profit.
"Did you come up with that by yourself?"
"No, it was a HiTech Creation"
by Anti-bloomer November 21, 2011
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Bekar Production House of Indian Film Industry

Even Covid Has Vaccine But UVid Not

It Never Care About Fans Emotion

UV Creations Rey Lucha
by Cheppanu Bro January 31, 2021
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