
Someone who is lacking courage! and a person who doesn't fight back and runs away and doesn't fight the giant or the dwarf. cowards don't fight back and they run away when they get hit and they don't like to get hit and they get scared of other people and they don't like to get hurt. they are afraid of others and things and places that can be haunted or scary. they are soft and unacceptable and they don't like to be punched in other places like the face, balls, head, neck, chest, arms and legs, nose. they don't like to get hurt. they are useless and hopeless people. the definitions of cowardly are faint-hearted, lily-livered, spineless, chicken-hearted, craven, timid, timorous, fearful, pusillanimous; informal yellow, chicken, weak-kneed, gutless, yellow-bellied, wimpish, wimpy and weak. they always fear. a coward is useless person they are afraid to talk, fight, and come to a person.
gets punched in the face hard stands up quickly and runs away
remember don't hurt somebody unless they hurt you. stand up for yourself
Guy: *makes you flinch
Kid: scared and gets flinches, runs away.

Randell is such a coward, he runs away and doesn't fight back!

A coward is a person who lacks courage and doesn't fight back
Someone who is lacking courage! and a person who doesn't fight back and runs away and doesn't fight the giant or the dwarf. cowards don't fight back and they run away when they get hit and they don't like to get hit and they get scared of other people and they don't like to get hurt. they are afraid of others and things and places that can be haunted or scary. they are soft and unacceptable and they don't like to be punched in other places like the face, balls, head, neck, chest, arms and legs, nose. they don't like to get hurt. they are useless and hopeless people. the definitions of cowardly are faint-hearted, lily-livered, spineless, chicken-hearted, craven, timid, timorous, fearful, pusillanimous; informal yellow, chicken, weak-kneed, gutless, yellow-bellied, wimpish, wimpy and weak. they always fear.
by TheAwesomeJUNK November 3, 2018
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cowardly custard

Another name for a shit-bag. Taken from the lion in The Wizard of Oz
He is a cowardly custard, hiding behind his ebay posting I.D.
by Terence Dactyl July 2, 2014
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cowardly lion

A non-alcoholic mixed drink consisting of 90% sparkling water and 10% lemonade
The lady would like a glass of chardonnay, and I would like a cowardly lion.
by DeusPater November 2, 2014
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cowardly cunt

Describes someone who generally runs away from his problems the moment they happen. An individual who can't handle nor deal with conflict by using several defense mechanisms. In slang terms: A Pussy

"Sticks his head in the sand."

Look up: " Defense Mechanisms " on Google.

This person may also be guilty of

" Stone walling behavior " which you should also look up.
That cowardly cunt ended a relationship by blocking her on facebook instead of talking it out instead of solving the issue at hand by using communication.
by WhereInFuckTopiaAreYou October 11, 2015
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The Cowardly Lion

When you shave your pubes with an electric trimmer but don't get the hair on your shaft or balls cause it nips you. So the finished product resembles the mane of The Cowardly Lion.
I was manscaping but didn't have my Mach 3 nearby. So I half assed it and the result was The Cowardly Lion.
by clint-beast-wood October 28, 2014
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cowardly dawg

Arwin Kardolous.A Dutch cunt who has to cheat to win.
Fuck off Arwin you cowardly dawg
by fnarf December 8, 2003
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Cowardly Fight

Cowardly fight is a fight which the people fighting are scared to fight so other people have to push them to fight each other.
OMG! That was such a COWARDLY FIGHT… We had to push them to fight!
by Tajae's Writer August 22, 2016
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