Costin is a person who has a very large penis ( from 18 to 27 centimeters) and they have a really good sense of humor.
They are also a really good person to have in your group.
They are also a really good person to have in your group.
by Hmmmkkkk March 6, 2019
A ship name between the two people, Cohen, and Austin, Where they tend to hold hands when they tend think no one is looking.
by rubix cube nerd February 22, 2023
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Copil copac fără prieteni și foarte enervant.Enerveaza pe toată lumea.Slab de pute.Se joaca pe consola in loc sa își facă temele
by CostinESlab May 14, 2022
Costin is a person who is hard stuck bronze in Valorant. They have a really large penis(from 18 to 27 cm) but they can't get it up.
by Random guy who knows November 23, 2021
to rush headlong into a suicidal career spin, then burn every bridge in sight including the one you're standing on, whilst providing some fleeting entertainment to your colleagues.
Wow, Jerry Maguire really should have thought it through before doing a costin.
Fuck me, Buck really felt the sting when Dave did a costin...
Fuck me, Buck really felt the sting when Dave did a costin...
by Lou06 July 7, 2006