Convent is full of girls who think fighting is a hobby. Most of dem are obsessed with the PE teacher and beg for attention. The girls bullythe English and Science teachers. They think they're on piss all because they have attitude. They all get into problems wid the girls from their rival school but the girls from school are shook. The convent girls are always ready to fight but no-one has the courage to fight dem. They are nice girls but get on their bad side. The girls in yr9 and yr11 are the lengest But are either lesbian or just cant get boyfriends . If they do get boyfriends, they are loyal as fuck. The white girls think theyre black and the lightskins get all the attention. The teachers don't know how to control them when there's a fight and instead of listening to the students, they send them to isolation. The toilets are dutty. There's writings on the walls and half of the toilets don't work. They cook the same food in the canteen everyday and it's nasty asf so the girls spend their money on food in the morning. They always get kicked out /banned from stores for doing tik toks and in the morning, their always walking passed the mandem at the bus stop cuz they're sexy. Don't fuck with convent girls.
by DontWorryBoutItSweeheart April 28, 2020
Did you go to that business convention? Yes, they were discussing the future of intel-based chipsets.
by Melkiah January 29, 2009
a) a convening (i.e. a gathering) of people, usually signatories of a political treaty
b) the way things are/ are supposed to be done or performed
c) something you convene (agree to)
b) the way things are/ are supposed to be done or performed
c) something you convene (agree to)
according to some, including myself, the Versailles conference was really a convention in all three senses of the word, as defined above.
by Sexydimma November 27, 2017
In a way that something is done(1), or(2) an agreement between states covering particular matters, especially one less formal than a treaty.
"to attract the best patrons the movie houses had to ape the conventions and the standards of theatres" - (1)
the convention, signed by the six states bordering on the Black Sea, aims to prevent further pollution" - (2)
the convention, signed by the six states bordering on the Black Sea, aims to prevent further pollution" - (2)
by Ima.retarded.fuck?YU April 28, 2021
a) a convening (i.e. a gathering) of people, usually signatories of a political treaty
b) the way things are/ are supposed to be done or performed
c) something you convene (agree to)
b) the way things are/ are supposed to be done or performed
c) something you convene (agree to)
according to some, including myself, the Versailles conference was really a convention in all three senses of the word, as defined above.
by Sexydimma March 21, 2021
A set of optional guidelines set up after World War 2. Some people refere to them as the Geneva Suggestions
George:"hey you cant just cluster bomb an orphanage, thats against the Geneva Convention!"
Mad Man:"Geneva Convention more like Geneva Suggestions!"
Mad Man:"Geneva Convention more like Geneva Suggestions!"
by NutNibbler5000 June 17, 2020
by luisthewoz December 12, 2020