When unnecessary cones, barrels, and lane shifts screw up your morning commute but there isn't a construction worker in sight. A/K/A/ government efficiency at its best.
I was half an hour late due to some phantom construction. Turns out, no one has worked on site in days.
by UDANONYMOUS August 16, 2010
Girl: But it reality, there's no such thing as being "easy", that's a social construct.
You: Oh yeah. She'll put out.
You: Oh yeah. She'll put out.
by meinreich February 26, 2014
The process by which you testify and build your truth self evident. Be careful because the court of public opinion is always open and everything you say can and will be used against you.
I was only trying to build an honest statement and convicted myself of building statutory construction without a building permit. Only lies are allowed without a building permit. The cost of the permit is everything you have.
by Spiritual-Master December 20, 2021
Loud thumping noise emanating from the corner office. Sounds like real construction, but is actually just the company lawyer banging around stacks of paper on his desk.
Employee 1: "Damn that's loud. Are they hanging drywall in there today? "
Employee 2: "No it's just Mr. Cochran doing some lawyer construction."
Employee 2: "No it's just Mr. Cochran doing some lawyer construction."
by SeaFlyer January 3, 2013
by tehpunkgeek July 4, 2005
Writing a sentence beginning with the words "name is" and then changing to a different sentence completely, such as the way you used to do on statuses on Facebook.
Facebook abolished the "is" autowritten in the status line recently. I'm so glad, I can't stand the facebook construct of "John is Does anybody know what homework we had?"
by zyrone March 1, 2009