Social Construct

Similar to Social Engineering, Social Construct is a mechanism used to manipulate people into giving out dead family members to use to their potential advantage. ex. personal identity and close friends and family, and then use Social Engineering.

=definition by crow=
John: Bob got Social Constructed.
Abby: What?!?
by crowmechai_ May 17, 2021
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Cum Construct

Alternative word for living being that reproduces heterosexually
Person 1: put a pile of cement under it.
Person 2: don't listen to cum construct over here.
by October 4, 2021
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Cum Construct

Alternative word for organisms that reproduce heterosexually
Person 1: put a pile of cement under it.
Person 2: don't listen to this cum construct
by MeatNutsDietzNuts October 4, 2021
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