When a man is in a deep sleep, yet his "cock" is hard and essentially doing it's own thing....much like when a person physically sleep walks.
My guy was in a deep sleep and snoring yet his cock was awake. It was hard and even rearranging the bed sheets. This is known as cock walking.
by Anastasia Eletherios November 21, 2013
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when a man is talking to a woman and another woman walks up, and spontaneously the two women walk much faster than the man is willing to walk. Associated closely with cock blocking, but only occurs while walking.
"God Damn bro, I was chatting up Suzy and we were totally clicking, but then Elen walked up and all the sudden both of them were fifty feet in front of me."

"that sucks man, Elen totally cock walked you. What a bitch"
by john crowe ransom jr. October 25, 2011
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requesting oral sex in an exchange for a ride
Andy :Last night I told her Cock or walk bitch?
Dwayne: Oh yeah what did she do?
Andy: Well next thing you Nicola was gobblin cock
by Clifford Monroe May 12, 2004
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n. status one may look forward to achieving once having applied more cowbell
by G0lluM May 20, 2005
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Used Sarcastically to make fun of someone who thinks they are the shit for doing something totally lame- easy way to call them a dick. Most likely they will think it is a complement
Person 1: "I almost picked up some chick last night."
Person 2: "Well aren't you the cock of the walk."
by Hans Whittenburg September 2, 2006
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A phrase used to describe a person who is "too cool for school".
"Sir may I get your autograph", "Nahh, i'm the cock o' the walk baby".
by Spencer Heath November 6, 2007
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