Verb: an act of placing yourself into a conversation/situation that you weren't invited to by standing very closely to people, or the group of people.

Noun: He is standing there clownshoeing that guy.
You are talking to a guy or girl and the clownshoer comes over and stands between you, as if they are wearing clownshoes.

Tony: Dude, I was standing next to the hot chick at the bar, chatting it up, when Mike started clownshoeing me and started talking to me.

Scott: Dude, what a clownshoer.
by TMoney34 August 16, 2010
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An insult inferring that the reciever is a walking joke, including their actions, habits, appearance, and ultimitly, their existance.
You have no room to talk, clownshoes.

I ran into this guy who was the biggest pair of clownshoes I've ever seen.

"So you had sex with a girl named Clownface? What does that make you, Clownshoes?"
-Tucker Max from his Maxim Radio show.
by Jailhouse August 24, 2006
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1. A stupid person; a dolt.
2. A person of profound mental retardation having a mental age below three years.
3. Marked by a lack of intelligence.

synonyms: idiot, imbecile, cretin, dumbass, asshat, retard
Stop hitting yourself in the head, you clownshoe.

The world is full of clownshoes.
by MongledMonkey May 9, 2003
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adj. - seeming ridiculous, completely out of place or proportion; utterly impractical
The ending to that movie was completely clownshoes, and made absolutely no sense in the context of the rest of the movie.
by cheesecake227 January 2, 2006
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1.) One who tries too hard to gain the social acceptance of others.

2.) One who has made a terrible mistake.

also see tool
guy 1: "Hey guys, you guys hanging out? Can I hang out? We can go to the movies or to see a band play or to the mall or..."
guy 2: "Fuck off clownshoes."

guy 1: "Sorry for losing our winning lottery ticket."
guy 2: "Fuck off clownshoes."
by u-e March 31, 2005
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1) A hopeless loser. An awkward, unattractive, and otherwise inept individual. Also known as a powertool.

2) A nickname for someone with the initials "C" and "S."
1) Way to miss the game-winning shot, clownshoes.

2) Hey ClownShoes, what's up?
by Whohah April 25, 2003
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My mate: 'Did you see "Da Ali G Show" last night mate?'
Me: 'Nah mate. Its fucking Clown Shoes"
by Leemondo McDizzle November 3, 2003
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