
Freakishly large clitoris. Usually found in women that use steroids.
'Did you see the clenis on that wrestler-chick?"
by Baseball Fury January 19, 2005
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Bill Clinton's penis, the scapegoat of the right-wing. Blamed for everything from 9/11 to relations with North Korea. Feared greatly by Conservatives, as it is actually a functional penis.
In today's speech, President Bush blamed rising unemployment and a failing economy on the Clenis.
by blunted September 8, 2003
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A clitoris so big it can pass for a penis.
I went down on this lady the other night and she had quite the clenis.
by Joseph William B. April 20, 2009
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A clitoris so elongated it resembles a penis
Tom: so? How was your date with claire?

Phil: was bad dude, we got down to business but she had this huge long clit!

Tom: no way! Thats a clenis! I told you she was manly.
by Tommy4fingers December 20, 2016
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When I squeezed his balls his clenis made a honk, I think im gonna marry a clown.
by Caramelcock June 4, 2022
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An enormous clitoris that is big enough to be a small penis.
The warden in that lesbain prison porno had a giant red clenis.
by azazel529 May 1, 2010
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Portmanteau of clitoris and penis. A large clitoris that, due to its abnormal size, resembles a penis.
Don't download that porno with the wrestler Chyna, unless you want to barf... she's got a clenis!
by That Guy March 29, 2005
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