A person who wears their shorts over the pajama bottoms.

This is a tactic used by people who want to be comfortable but have some utility to the social, or just plain physical situation.

Mostly worn by people whom are observed by most those around them as "chodes."
Check out that dude's pants, they're like "Chode Britches" or something.
by MitchimusmaximuS August 8, 2011
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A turd that is so large, it stuffs up a toilet's drain. Breaking it in half with a plunger, or toilet brush is sometimes needed, in the hopes it sinks like the titanic.
Bro, I ate pizza and drank coffee all day yesterday. I dropped a commode chode and flooded the dorm hallway! Don't tell anyone.
by Johnnylingus July 20, 2021
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To hit someone in the side of there leg to check if they have a chode (very wide penis) You must yell Chode check before performing the action.
Mason: yo man my dicks feeling hella wide.
Christian: Bro dont worry i got a hella solution

an hour later
Mason cries in pain as his chode get obliterated by Angel

Christian : Haha fucking loser
by The Ms.Kent bunch January 15, 2020
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A chode that is so short and wide that it is the chodest of chodes.
"Whoa, Lance has the Chodest Chode I've ever seen!"
by PapaFrank October 29, 2018
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some programmers use the word chode to refer to anything undefined. uninitialized or deallocated memory is most commonly refered to as chode.
my array is getting deleted somewhere, because when i try to access it it's chode.
by david pasquinelli August 27, 2006
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