by Mista_Convery April 27, 2009
chi chi chi, what is all this silly nonsense?
by N- dawg August 17, 2006
Jail food made from commissary items. Usually consisting of ramin noodles, summer sausage and cheese curls. The more you put into it the better it tastes. Also can be called a chi.
by nicci codone February 19, 2014
by Anonymous March 20, 2003
the spanish term meaning breasts boobs hooters or whatever ya call it. its also a mexican restaurant that has great fried ice cream!
by gayloser August 9, 2004
Chi means a variety of things in different languages as stated here. In Jamaican it's basically the equivelant to the american term gay (can be used when not reffering to homosexuals, just in a derrogitory way). In spanish it reffers to breasts/tits, in this way it's used commonly among blacks and mexicans. In japanese, it's short for daddy (Chihayo).
by Pandi June 8, 2006