A cocaine lines. As a word game from “contrail”, comparing the drug lines to the cloud condensation lines left by airplanes.
by BlkCntry NwRoad October 3, 2022
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Chemtrails are used to steer and propagate energies used in
ultra-secure communications, and because they quickly lose their
coherency, chemtrails that is, to become reflective layers of clouds
over a few hours time, they can also be (are) used to form what must be
called "The Broadcast Canopy", a major tool within the radiant arsenal
and in weather modification. A huge reflective sheet is formed over a
subject population, and the energies and frequencies broadcast from
antennae farms everywhere can be attuned to achieve ends that have been
researched extensively by the CIA during Projects Paperclip, MK-ULTRA,
and others...

Broadcast Canopys also are used to perpetuate things like through-wall
radar, very long distance sound bugging of premises, computer monitoring
from afar, and general invasions of privacy...
look up! you're being sprayed by your own government.
by spellbreaker July 23, 2003
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A gas and nano-particle mixture typically sprayed behind an unmarked non-commercial airplane or group of airplanes with the goal of creating a mesh-like structure over the sky in a specific area. The gas and nano-particle mixture then expands over several hours and forms a silky-white film coverage quite like an umbrella. The purpose of these “umbrellas” sprayed all over the world has not yet been validated.
Some sources suggest that the spraying is designed to combat global warming, however this theory is incorrect due to studies of raw climate data presented by environmental experts (not paid by governments to misrepresent data) which correctly show the world has been experiencing a global cooling phase since 1999. Other sources suggest the spraying is based on a plan with a desired sinister result. This theory is closer to the truth due to environmental testing which has shown irrefutable proof that certain dangerous compounds directly related to the spraying are massively increasing in the air, water and ground.
The misidentification of chemtrails as contrails (water/ice vapor trails from an airplane engine) indicates a public intelligence gap coupled with a planned structured system of denial. Whistle blower attempts to inform the public and governmental agencies of the hidden program and massively negative environmental impact have had limited effect due to the structured denial system from government, coupled media and coupled scientific segments.
The chemtrails, that don't exist, are sure out today.
by WorldWantsPlastic January 9, 2018
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That nagging cough you get that never gets too bad but also never goes away despite being perfectly healthy otherwise, taking tons of vitamins and trying all your natural home-remedies. A direct result of breathing chemicals (barium and aluminum) sprayed into the atmosphere by the government.
"Dang, I've been drinking tons of tea and using my neti pot but I still can't shake this chemtrail cough, must be from that grid they sprayed last week."
by peacechicken January 10, 2012
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Also, weed contrail. The odiferous trail left behind an automobile in which significant amounts of smoked marijuana is being consumed.

From weed, slang for marijuana, and chemtrail, a conspiracy-theorist's variant on contrail, the condensation trail left behind by a jet airplane at high altitude.
Dude, did you get a whiff of that Lexus that drive by? It was leaving a serious weed chemtrail.
by x Chicagoan April 21, 2017
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New hottest record in the word by Queen Lana
The perfection doesn't exi...
Chemtrails Over The Country Club💗🎀
by mayjailer88 January 14, 2021
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stratospheric aerosol injection
Although chemtrails can be used to deflect sunlight and potentially lower temperatures, the pollution they cause is a direct threat to life on Earth.
by Objective-Reason Daddy August 24, 2023
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