Student: "What are we doing today, Sir?"
Teacher: "We'll be recapping Calculus, boy."
Student: "But Sir, please Sir, we haven't even capped it yet!"
Teacher: "We'll be recapping Calculus, boy."
Student: "But Sir, please Sir, we haven't even capped it yet!"
by OJFord September 27, 2011
by Sageb1158 February 4, 2019
No-cap is a verb meaning - To not be lying or deceiving.
using this term incorrectly is punishable by death in many countries, especially America.
This word is related to, Deadass.
Cap is a verb meaning - To lie and deceive.
tenses of the word:
Capping - Is in the process of capping (Present tense)
Capped - Has capped (Past tense)
Capper - Shall cap (Future tense)
using this term incorrectly is punishable by death in many countries, especially America.
This word is related to, Deadass.
Cap is a verb meaning - To lie and deceive.
tenses of the word:
Capping - Is in the process of capping (Present tense)
Capped - Has capped (Past tense)
Capper - Shall cap (Future tense)
lying scum "Bro she got a fat ass"
Friend "No cap?"
Lying scum "No cap bro!"
Friend " That is a dude"
Lying scum "Got you to look"
Court "You are to be killed due to the breaking of the No Cap/Cap law!"
Friend "No cap?"
Lying scum "No cap bro!"
Friend " That is a dude"
Lying scum "Got you to look"
Court "You are to be killed due to the breaking of the No Cap/Cap law!"
by ConfinedDev February 26, 2020
Blue: I couldn't have killed him i was in electrical doing tasks.
Red: Ay "that's cap" i was in electrical with white.
Red: Ay "that's cap" i was in electrical with white.
by Scooberoo October 4, 2020
by thecapper November 11, 2020
The use of the phrase "no cap" is meant to convey authenticity and truth. The phrase originated in reference to decorative gold teeth, which can be divided into two distinct varieties: permanent gold teeth (aka "perms") or caps (aka "pullouts"). Whereas caps can be pulled out with ease, perms, as their name suggests, are permanent. They cannot be taken out for a job interview or court date. They are an honest and lasting expression of the owners' realness.
by daybird August 27, 2020