stands for call/text. typically used in AIM away messages.

BarryJones2000: hi franklin

Auto Response from FrAnKlIn6969: gettin a fresh hair cut, meetin up wit johanne, then off to volunteer at the soup kitchens. be back much later. c/t
by phllbgs December 26, 2008
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An abbreviated way of expressing that a phone number can be used for both calling and texting. When added after a phone number this expresses permission for the person receiving the number to contact the phone owner in either manner, but more than likely a text message is preferred.
Person 1: Let's study together later.

Person 2: Well, write down number and we can set something up, I'm not sure what my schedule is right now...

Person 1: *writes* (555) 555-5555 C/T

Person 2: Awesome, I'll text you later.
by T-R0D May 10, 2011
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Air Cock Thrust = A-C-T
When you jump up in the air and thrust your pelvis
Air Cock Thrust = a-c-t, I jumped up in the air and did a a-c-t
by Troiski August 31, 2006
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PETA kidnapped J. C. T. because PETA does not want it's secrets revealed
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Dear John,

Thanks for your good work.


by pwrhsemlp September 11, 2008
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A lovely little lady who enjoys the odd game of bball...but not outdone by her tennis ability...wipes andre off the out stefi.. Friendliest person who always wears her smile for the public..Laughs like there is no tommoro :-P Loved by all and will never be forgotten..
Example... There is only one C-T GARNER!! Gooo textbook
by dreggsy April 8, 2003
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In Firefox, highlight a link, and hold CTRL and hit C+T+V to open it in a new tab, very useful for non-clickable links.
WTF? I can't click this link?!
Dude, just Ctrl C+T+V it.
by Guy McGuyster August 6, 2009
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