
A growing phenomenon(in more ways than one), a Butterbody is very much like a Butterface, only it pertains to a girl with a very pretty face and an overweight body.

I see this happening more and more these days.
Me: She's so pretty. Too bad she's heavy.
Buddy: Yep, classic Butterbody.
by Kyle July 1, 2005
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A person that has a pretty face but a not so hot body. Think of butterface but in reverse!
Dude! Her face is so pretty, it's a shame that she has a butterbody!
by Blanket_Jackson III December 16, 2019
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A girl with a pretty/hott/gorgeous face..but an ugly/fat/overweight/chubby body
Roger- "I saw this really hott girl sitting down at a restuarant. When she got up to leave, she was fat as hell! I was going to talk to her....but she didn't have a good body so I didn't. HEHEHE"
Jorge- "Typical butterbody. They should really go on weight watchers-think of all the attention they would get then!"
Roger- "Yeah..I feel bad for them! O well! Want to go to a strip club??"
Jorge- "Sure! Ain't no butterbodys going to be there!"
by Maybelline September 26, 2005
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used mainly by insecure men to try to insult a girl that is much hotter then them to try and make themselves feel better
incel 1:'omg a girl rejected me because im a terrible person, she is a butterbody anyway'
incel 2: 'yeah for sure dude, im gonna go play some fortnite with the boys and make rape jokes haha'
by bugs123 September 20, 2020
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Person with relatively beautiful/cute face while having an ugly or a fat body. Case occurs when genetics favor beauty yet unhealthy diet result in such a disaster.
An example: your mother
P.S. That is why you should stick to facial
She had an amazing profile picture of her alluring face, so only after meeting her in real life I realized she had a butterbody.
by haMsterMind April 6, 2015
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