by ilovecatsmeow19 March 2, 2017
A common insult, usually referring to the hole in your butt. Call your family, friends, teachers, neighbors, kids, employers, waiters, pets, whoever you want, Bunghole and enjoy their reactions.
by Celsius102 June 11, 2014
1. The hole in a cask, keg, or barrel through which liquid is poured in or drained out.
2. Vulgar Slang. The anus.
2. Vulgar Slang. The anus.
by Red October 1, 2003
by ballzbro October 28, 2011
1. Beavis
2. The hole in a cask, keg, or barrel through which liquid is poured in or drained out.
1. Beavis
2. The hole in a cask, keg, or barrel through which liquid is poured in or drained out.
by asedfasdf August 28, 2004