
It's an entourage or posse of bros.
Girlfriend: Babe let's go out tonight.
Bro: Nah, I'm going to the game with the brosse.
by dgarz January 16, 2017
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Not just your boss, but your bro. Bross. Popularized in the short "Corporate Takebrover" by 5SecondFilms.
"I'm not just your boss, I'm your bro. I'm your bross."

*employee misses high-five*

"Awww, bro-man, you're fired.
by FezzIsStraightEdge August 7, 2011
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To be a boss but an even bigger boss than the biggest boss Rick Ross.
You got me back stage to see Waka Flocka, that is so BROSS.
by D Money aka Flocka D aka Bross December 12, 2009
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A state of being superior to anything else; a movement; Genetic disposition that gives one the confidence and abililty to complete any task. Bross can not be created, it can only be itself. Someone who is bross can never be not-bross, only bross
Chuck Norris is Bross.

Woahh that's so Bross dude!

Its okay, Im still Bross...

That dude is Bross Majesty!!
by MacRY October 22, 2011
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A person who is like your brother but is also your boss or the owner of the firm you work in.
I am working as the technical officer in a firm where Siddharth is my bross.
by TheBhaasa February 7, 2020
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The combination of the word "bro" and "boss".
"Hey man."

"What's up bross?"
by ZacMagnum January 29, 2008
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(adj.) - A combination of the words "bro" and "gross".
Bro 1: Dude, look at Zeke standing in the corner over there chattin' up that tri-delt.

Bro 2: Yeah, I wonder if she can smell the vomit caked on his la coste polo?

Tri-Delt: You want to what? Eww, you are SO bross! (walks away)
by ap3ks September 25, 2009
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