4 definitions by TheBhaasa

Niggesh Activity

When your desi homie does something out of the box and you appreciate them for it.
Mr S: “I did a stream on YouTube with a positive community feedback

Mr. B: “Full on Niggesh Activity”
by TheBhaasa April 10, 2024
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A curse that troubles people belonging to non-tech field especially budding entrepreneurs who have no idea of what technological jargon they are dealing with.
I feel E-cursed because Amazon charged me $2045 as I had mistakenly opened some dedicated server on my account.
by TheBhaasa February 7, 2020
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A person who is like your brother but is also your boss or the owner of the firm you work in.
I am working as the technical officer in a firm where Siddharth is my bross.
by TheBhaasa February 7, 2020
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When the popular social media website becomes trash and you feel like it is eating up a lot of your important time or invading your life then it becomes “Trashagram”.
Why bother posting about the rain in your area over trashagram ? People have weather apps for that.
by TheBhaasa August 20, 2021
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