A Bro; Socal Trash; Broseph, Dude-Bro, Bro

This species of usually white sometimes hispanic male can be found in consentrated herds in southern california. Areas in the "valley", Anywhere inbetween Barstow, Victorville, Apple Valley, San Dimas Covina/West Covina, Anahiem, San Bernadino, Fontana...etc

A dead giveaway that you have spotted a bro if you can smell the AXE body spray from the lifted Dodge/Ford next to you. They often refer to women as "Ho's" "B*tches" "cunts" "dick practice". Bro's also pride themselves in their "im such a dick!" attitude. It's kind of a way of setting themselvs apart from the rest of us who might actually have some respect for traffic laws, women, and the general public. Thats right, it's kind of hard to hold a conversation when the BRO next to you is blaring that annoying I hate everything especially my parents and my ex girlfriend music, or whatever music that makes them feel like such a "badass" and sound from his truck is shaking your car.

Bro's wear wonderfully matching clothes, it actually looks like their little sister wanted to play dress-up but whatever. Flat-Bill Caps, Wife-Beaters, those retarded looking skaters shoes that make it look like your feet are like 4 inches long, high black socks, Dickies pants or shorts, never less than 4 peircings, usually have facial hair (goatee, beard) the fat bro's dig the beard hides the fat face and gives them a more "look at me! i'm a hardcore biker lookin guy. Ya! im such a DICK!" Tattoos. shaved head or spiked hair all the way around, Clothing companies are always a dead giveaway, Hurley, Osiris, Etnies, Skin, SOCAL, RockStar, VolCom, Element, DC, DVS, Independent, West Coast Choppers, OC Choppers...etc. These companies are always plastered in stickers all over thier Bro-mobiles. Usually on the back window.

Bro lingo: "Dude", "Bro", "Dude-Bro", "Hey Bro", "Hey Brah", "Yo Bro", "Yo Brah", "Sup Bro", "Sup Brah", "You Hangout?"(a great pick up line), "Party?", "Sh!tfaced", "T-rashed", "D-G.A.F"(dont give a ****) "D!ck" "F*ck YOU BRO!" "F*ck OFF!", "Badass!", "SIIICK","Gnarly","Tight!"Fer-Sure Bro", "That sh!t was hella tight bro", "Pussy!"

How to protect yourself:
What I always do,
When one is spotted, be sure to alert your friends that your with. Yell at one friend "Dude!" and the other one confirms with a "Bro!" keep that going for about 30 seconds, it takes them awhile to catch on.

Bro's are hilarious. The Socal toughguy that will give you the finger(which he practices in the mirror before bed and when he is about to go out and cruise). Drives a big lifted truck with straight-piped exahust for that extra touch that lets you know he's coming and he's a dick. Cut's you off in traffic and gives you a long glance through his $20 sunglasses he purchased from Saleem at the 7-11. Revs his engine so your baby will start crying in the back seat. He laughs. Turns up his angry music, to let you know he had a bad day at school and he's pissed. as he is leaving the light he will probably take a chug of his Rockstar or his Monster Energy Drink, lick his toungue out between his two fingers and show you his toungue ring, letting you know he is a Dick, sexually expirenced and a badass, therefore you want him, or want to be like him. Bro 1: "Ya bro, he/she wants me" Bro 2: "Fer-sure brah". It doesnt matter if it's a guy, if he turns him on, thats bro points for him. Gay is kind of a flexible word these days.

Bro's usually never work, or if they do it's some pawn-ass job at a skate board shop, or changing oil at a Jiffy Lube. They always appear rich, but really, their clothes, trucks, and colonge are all purchased on a credit card that their parents gave them.

For some strange reason bro's have a strong female following. Probably because they "seem" dangerous and HOT!!!11one OMG sO HaWt!!!11one. But really, the whole adventureous badass sickass attitude is really just them being retarded, acting like 7 year olds on crank to hopefully earn the attention of a select "Hottie" or a "Big Bro" (a bro that they hang around with that is like the Main Bro, they all one day want to be as badass as this guy)He did 1 year at Citrus Community College.... Real men are Wild, dangerous, adventureous and fun guys.

Bro's, are posers, assholes and nut-sacks whose balls never dropped. They seem like everything out the outside, money, freedom, fun, but it's all a big shell. None of them actually know how to man up to a real situation or how to enjoy the presence of a decent young woman. "Hey, nice ass...b!tch" really doesnt cut it. Having fun to a Bro is getting wasted, and the rest he really doesnt matter. Mabey racing side-by-side down Glendora Mountain and trying to jump from another truck to another. Or getting drunk and trying to get cops attention by pulling up next to them and throwing beer cans at them trying to race all while giving them the finger and screaming D-G.A.F BRO!

So my point is, it's not the clothing that makes a bro, it's the fake attitude, of this hardcore hardass who wears only black and white and acts like he is invincible. See, bro's wear skater clothes, how many of them actually skate? You arent a bro for wearing hurley or Dc Shoe.
"Look at those trucks in that parking lot and all the people out next to them, Thats what we like to call a brodeo, it's when they meet a location or "local" if your too bro to speak normal english. And they take their underage girlfriends and drive around from their location for about an hour and then drive back up to the hills to have a party which ends up in some type of guy-guy, girl-girl, guy-guy-girl sex. just a brodeo, happens all the time."

"Wow that guy is Bro'd out"
"If their an AXE factory in this mall?, nah, it was just that dude-bro that walked by"
"Look at that bro who parked his brodozer parked sideways in that parking lot taking up 4 spaces"
"F*cks up bro, tryin' to get faded?"
"We got so T-rashed last night in the desert, ya me to brah, I got head like 6 times and once when I was chugging a bottle of Vodka, god im so f*ucking cool!"
by I Jackson January 22, 2008
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White, annoying pieces of shit from somewhere around Orange County, or Las Vegas, or Phoenix who always wear tank tops/wifebeaters, exclusively drink Monster energy drinks, advertise Monster on their shitty hats and shirts, drive shitty trucks, listen to bullshit like Hollywood Undead and Skrillex, call themselves a "bro" all the time and somehow are not really "fat", yet their width is longer than their height. They stand around 5'3" on average and think that the Xbox 360 is the only gaming console in existence and that the Gears of War series is "beast". Relatively simple concepts like philosophy, as well as post-7th grader vocabulary such as "relatively" go right over their empty fuckin' heads.
"Bro, dude, bro! You know I'm a bro, right? Fuck man, last night I went to Hollywood Undead, PARTIED, and drank six Monsters! It was BEAST! WOOP WOOP! Fuck fucking shit!"
by Rod_Jonse September 17, 2011
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No definitions have yet mentioned the Midwest bro's in particular, but broism has become rampant in the Midwest. They are on every Big Ten campus (especially frats.)

This particular variety of bro always drinks the cheapest beer or liquor and may or may not smoke weed.

The clothes they wear might not be as expensive as the clothes people wear on the coasts, but these bro's are still wearing the most expensive clothes that they can. They also pimp their rides out as much as they can. They compete with money the same way, even if they have less of it.

Hobbies are the same-- weightlifting, pick-up basketball, golf, and especially, frolf.

Even though they behave as belligerently and are as disrespectful towards women as bro's anywhere else, they go to church once or twice a month. They are obsessive sports fans and if they go to a larger college (especially Big Ten) they will attend literally every home football game (if not every away game) and a very high amount of basketball games as well. They will be drunk for every game.

Chicago is bro central for the midwest, but Minneapolis/St. Paul has many bro's as well. Universities in Ohio are also notorious for bro's especially OSU and Miami U.

Don't believe you are safe from the bro stereotype if you move to the midwest!
Female one: "Ugh, why are there so many bro's at that party?"

Female two: "Yeah, it feels like we're still in San Bernadino."
by yoyojones December 11, 2010
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1. A word or nickname referring to a guy friend. A friend who is like a brother, hence "bro" the shortened version of brother- because every college guy is so lazy that he can't even finish saying a damn word.
2. An actual blood relative- your parents' child who is a male.
3. A prefix added to any word starting with the sound "o". An extension of the commonly used nickname "broski" or "broseph".

Usage: This prefix can be used to create a nickname or to create a word which referrs to something you and your boys think is pretty chill.
1. "Yo bro, that was a sick party last night."

2. "Yeah i went to go visit my bro at Tulane last weekend- it was frikkin awsome."

3. "Yo broski, we should hit the *brocean* before the summer's over."
*Bro + ocean*

Nickname: Bromance (bro + romance)= a guy who is particularly successful with the ladies- and even if he's not, you and your boys know him as the romantic one. However, he may also be the one dude who has found himself in a committed relationship while the rest of you are bachelors.
by Tajh Salaso August 22, 2007
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A dude who drinks a lot of beer, and is the chillest mother fucker ever.
Pete Welin = Bro
by Bilbro Bagginsssss November 9, 2010
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A redneck of sorts. Usually a white ugly short guy who wears big belt buckles(often iron crosses) and drives a lifted pick up truck. They have ugly ass girl friends who they have to be with 24/7 and they beat them too. Always hang out with other bros and are often wiggers and but always faggots. Also they like Metal Mulisha and make sure everyone knows that by putting big ugly ass stickers on their back window of their car. Just fags.
Check out that bro's lifted F-350! Thats tight bro!
by Ryan March 26, 2005
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That guy on the football team who loves The Dave Matthews Band and can (and frequently proves that he can) play the opening stanza of "The General" by Dispatch on the guitar. If he's lucky, he may have a Rasta friendship bracelet.
Jonny: Whoa, cool song, bro. What's it called?
Dan: "The General" by Dispatch.
Jonny: Nice, bro. I'll check it out.

Allison: (from afar) His jeans are so ripped! I wish he'd give me a friendship bracelet.
by Anonymous8492 August 30, 2010
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