Blivit = a fat assed ugly women. Most blivits do not take very good care of their personal hygiene or themselves. Many blivits tend to be obese slobs, and make no effort to improve their personal appearance. These hags tend to live on junk food, pop and munchies - where are the doritos !
Many of these women tend to be so fat, that they are as obese as they are tall. The number of teeth remaining in these blivits tend to be a few - more teeth are missing, than are left remaining.
Bathing is usually a very low priority - in addition, these blivits tend to live like pigs - very sloppy living conditions.
Many of these women tend to be so fat, that they are as obese as they are tall. The number of teeth remaining in these blivits tend to be a few - more teeth are missing, than are left remaining.
Bathing is usually a very low priority - in addition, these blivits tend to live like pigs - very sloppy living conditions.
A blivit usually has fewer teeth in their mouth than one can count on one hand - they are often as obese as they are tall. Daily hygiene is rare ...
by WET CARGO BOY March 19, 2006
I almost did a blivit
by flaming koolaid December 9, 2002
a person that spends all of their time trying to block and prevent other peoples plans and ideas being accepted by others. Huge roadblocks to new ideas. Usually trying to make themselves look better by demeaning others ideas.
by Milford III December 2, 2023