
Lint that accumulates in the buttcrack from clothing
Man I forgot to use a dryer sheet today, now I have blint!!
by bidetric March 13, 2022
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Absolute knob. Vile Creature. Stupid arrogant asshole. Similar to cunt. Highly offensive word.
That guy is a blint, she's such a blint.

I mean she is so much better than Jack, he's a total blint.
by BlintH8rs February 4, 2013
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Jon picks and eats his blint.
by kube311 June 9, 2009
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(verb) The action of blinding someone with a pencil.
"Aha! I just blinted Chris!"

"Wtf man Chris has no arms or legs and now you made him have no eyes."
by BlintIsARealWord April 7, 2022
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High on cannabis.

"Ay yo son I ride around with my hoopty tinted/
to ride around blinted" – Redman
by Funk Doc ak Reggie Noble December 11, 2006
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sut my blint

sut my blint like u momXDDDDD
sut my blint u motherfker
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as opposed to blunted(getting ripped from a blunt), blinted is to get ripped from a hooka or water pipe.
lyrics from redman:

"i keep my hookie tinted to ride around blinted"
by spliff master June 9, 2003
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