The cryptocurrency of choice among criminals, extortionists, fraudsters, hackers, kidnappers, terrorists, and Ponzi schemers, who have 100% faith in the blockchain technology to avoid getting caught for their crimes.
Guesstimate what percentage of rogue political leaders’, corrupt businesspersons’, and Russian oligarchs’ stolen billions or trillions have been converted into bitcoins to cover up their obscene wealth.
by Fasters April 2, 2022
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"Bitcoin is hashcash extended with inflation control " - Adam Back
by HODL December 30, 2016
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Imaginary and non-existent pseudo-currency that is worthless on its own until you can convince some douche bag to buy it from you and trade it for actual currency or goods. Can be defeated by an electrical outage, hard drive failure, or just a low volume of other people trading their Bitcoins at the same time.
Randy said, "I went to buy coffee with my Bitcoins the other day and it took three hours for the transaction to be approved. I was late for work because of that and the coffee was fucking cold."
Adam replied, "I kept my Bitcoins on my phone. I bought them at $18,000 a piece thinking I could make real money with it but the price keeps tanking and going all over the place.... then someone stole my fucking phone."
Jake laughed, "hahaha, can I loan you a few dollars?"
by Nutzen YerMouf March 8, 2018
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Joe W: "Bitcoin is a joke!, It's a ponzi scheme! It's like baseball cards and tulip mania all over again".

Bitcoiner: "Bitcoin will reach $100,000 and then we'll see if it's a joke!"
by Dovetail November 12, 2013
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The act of farting in such large quantities that it eventually renders the air around you unbreathable, similar to the carbon emissions caused by excessive Bitcoin mining.
My wife pulled the sheets over my head and started bitcoining me. It was absolutely foul.
by BatteryMaster October 12, 2021
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The action of being sent a fraction of a Bitcoin by one of your acquaintances, in anticipation of an otherwise normal payment transaction.

Hey Jimmy did Tim
“Hey Jimmy, did that tight wad Tim ever pay you back the Benjamin’s he owed your ass!?”

“Naw man, he just bitcoined me...fucker!”
by Rog2illa January 23, 2021
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Is only a piece of defining some little stuff like: A little bit of coin. Usually bit of a coin.
Hey do you have a bit of a coin?
Or do you use bitcoin?
by DRAKETION April 23, 2018
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