A failed senator that's offering free college so young people will vote for him, at the same time not describing how he will achieve his plans. Kind of like Donald Trump
Bernie Sanders is like that creepy uncle no one wants around, so he gives them free college.
by Makeamericagrapeagain2016 April 19, 2016
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bernie is one of the best blowjobs ever!!
eamon: bernie gives great head but ohhhh man do not fucking look down..bt she is umm errrrrrrrrrr well fit..<:(
by SQUEEZEUREYESSHUT>< January 8, 2010
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Created after a hippie music teacher who doesn't wear socks and drives a Mercedes. The term Bernie is to be used to call someone a person who has no rhythm or timing. In the recording sense the term should be used to explain one who uses 2 microphones to record numerous instruments. Also calling someone a Bernie by the way they sound: jibberish.
"look at the Bernie on the dance floor, kid can't even hit the beat"
A: "yo im gonna record the band tonight, but I'm only gonna use 2 mics"
B: "dude, you're such a fucking Bernie" "this music sounds like stupid jibberish, did Bernie do this?"
"put on some socks... Bernie!"
by Kyle Jones in ya Area October 22, 2007
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A humble legend of a man of the people. The 2016 presidential candidate who inspired millions and millions of U.S. citizens to feel as one united nation of individuals through his soaring vision. An America with a NEW "New Deal" and getting back to the basic belief that no matter who you're born to, and what your family's wealth is or isn't, everyone should have the RIGHT to earn a college degree and enter working/professional life on relatively even ground.
2016 was nothin', but then Bernie came along and led a revolution!
by StoneColdMason February 9, 2016
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He’s the guy who gets the job done right the first time. He’s the one men go to when they need advice about building shit and women flock to when they need their pipes serviced properly. He has a really deep voice and growls when things aren’t done properly which makes him even more compelling to call in for help.
Nobody can figure out how to do the job right the first time. Call in the Bernie!
by lovelive04 February 5, 2010
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Bernie: after having sex you pull ur cock out and poop an orange die on her face..
gonna give the missus tonite the bernie special..
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He is the most amazing guy you could ever meet. He is very funny, caring,kind sweet. Everyone wants a bernie in their life because if you do, your a lucky person.
Person 1 - 'her Fiancees name is Bernie'
Person 2- 'man...i wish i had a Bernie'
by I love bernie April 22, 2017
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