The special ability of Miles Edgeworth, an ability that no one else has, an ability that makes him objectively superior to every defense attorney on the planet.
Phoenix: *Has a magical object that tells him if someone is hiding something*
Apollo: *Has a bracelet that tightens when someone lies and can see people's subconscious tells*
Athena: *Can hear people's true emotions and display them using a computer that she wears around her neck*
Edgeworth: *Has BASIC LOGIC*
by Darth EEEEEEEEEEEE December 24, 2020
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Don't pretend you don't know what this means. You know EXACTLY who this is.
Dudes, can you BELIEVE how basic, and white, Dave is??? Always drinking his white claws. And always being so incredibly, OVERWHELMINGLY, white.

Basic White Dave
by Jbon520 February 20, 2021
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