by #GatorSpot November 3, 2018
A sports fan who only supports a team, because they are currently playing well, and will usually jump from one team to another if they start to lose. They usually know nothing about them, or their history, and will usually make up lame excuses for supporting them such as liking their name or logo.
Person A: I am a New York sports fan, you?
Person B: Well, I'm a huge fan of the Pittsburgh Penguins, Houston Astros, Philadelphia Eagles, Houston Rockets, and Toronto FC, you?
Person A: Interesting. Can you name atleast 3 players from these teams, besides Star Players, and why you support those teams?
Person B: Sure I can. Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato! I support them because they have cool logos!
Person A: I see, you're a bandwagon fan. Well then, good luck this year.
Person B: Well, I'm a huge fan of the Pittsburgh Penguins, Houston Astros, Philadelphia Eagles, Houston Rockets, and Toronto FC, you?
Person A: Interesting. Can you name atleast 3 players from these teams, besides Star Players, and why you support those teams?
Person B: Sure I can. Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato! I support them because they have cool logos!
Person A: I see, you're a bandwagon fan. Well then, good luck this year.
by SilverishGoldNova April 12, 2018
by Ryan arpin June 22, 2018
Anyone who claims they are a "fan" of a particular sports team, even though they had no prior support for/interest in the team until that team started winning. These types of fans only show playoff interest, have probably never watched a regular season game, don't own any type of team merchandise, nor would they buy any.
by andlay March 17, 2016
A fan who claims he only liked a team because of a football coach or a certain player/s. If s/he becomes a fan of the team the coach or player joins, they're a bandwagon fan. If they do not become a fan of the coach or player's new team, and stopped liking their old team, they're a bandwagon fan. Fans who just want to be a pain in everyone's butt and be an antagonist by not cheering for the home team. You have the right to cheer for any team you want. However, to cheer for your hometown's rival just to be a prick is not cool.
The Ohio State Fan: Why don't you like Notre Dame football anymore? You once were a fan in 2005.
Bandwagon Fan who now cheers for LSU: I was just a fan of the coach, Charlie Weis.
The OSU fan: So you must have began watching him coach Kansas City Chiefs in 2010 right?
Bandwagon Fan: I never knew he coached the Chiefs.
The OSU fan: Your two favorite teams faced each other in the Citrus Bowl last year (2017). LSU vs Notre Dame. Who did you cheer for?
Bandwagon fan: LSU! Because I love Lousiana!
The OSU fan: But LSU lost.
Bandwagon fan: GO IRISH! I'm an Irish fan now!
Bandwagon Fan who now cheers for LSU: I was just a fan of the coach, Charlie Weis.
The OSU fan: So you must have began watching him coach Kansas City Chiefs in 2010 right?
Bandwagon Fan: I never knew he coached the Chiefs.
The OSU fan: Your two favorite teams faced each other in the Citrus Bowl last year (2017). LSU vs Notre Dame. Who did you cheer for?
Bandwagon fan: LSU! Because I love Lousiana!
The OSU fan: But LSU lost.
Bandwagon fan: GO IRISH! I'm an Irish fan now!
by Crazy_Chameleon February 4, 2018
A person who becomes a fan of winning teams in different sports from around the country, rather than being a fan of all the teams in his own area. When questioned, the person tries to pretend he’s always been a fan of those teams.
Allan Petty Pickens is a Bandwagon Fan of the Cleveland Cavaliers, Seattle Seahawks, St Louis Blues, and San Francisco Giants.
by Fakes Can GTFOH May 31, 2018
I'm from a small town and don't know any better so I thought it best to be a bandwagon fan and whack off to the Cowboys every football season.
by ShutTheFuckUpDonnie November 7, 2021