A horrible horrible cunt from Wedmore
by James Chewit July 5, 2023
by TheExtremeEvoker August 26, 2018
Used to describe a person, particularly a man, who is socially construed as straight by those around him/her, but in actuality is gay. Someone who goes undected on the gaydar spectrum. Thick, deceptive skin on outside, but a fruit on the inside. Based on the avocado being widely misnomered as a vegetable, when it is indeed a fruit.
Amber: I had no idea that Jerry was gay! He seems so...so... hetero!
Omar: Yeah. Everyone thinks that. He's an avocado.
Omar: Yeah. Everyone thinks that. He's an avocado.
by Omar via AJ August 9, 2008
A gentleman. Knows how to treat a lady. Low key is a mess and can be stubborn and arrogant at times.
by Tyranasoreus June 2, 2018
A person who is weird but amazing crazy but beautiful but most important different but in a good way
by Lieutenant AVOCADO 🥑 August 11, 2017
when a vegetarian gives up on plants and goes back to eating meat
or when someone tries to lay off of healthy food
(its like going commando with vegetables
instead of underwear.)
or when someone tries to lay off of healthy food
(its like going commando with vegetables
instead of underwear.)
by Alejandro Cruz July 11, 2008
by Avocado fan January 20, 2015