
name of the sawed-off shotgun that Eric Harris used. He named it after Arlene Sanders (DOOM novels). See Columbine.
"Arlene - the only woman Eric ever really loved."
by rebdoomerHAHAHA July 27, 2009
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eric harris's 12 gauge pump-action savage springfield 67h shotgun, sawed off to 26 inches in total length.
person I: hey what did eric call his gun now again?

person II: arlene.
by diemeisterin July 22, 2017
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a sweet sometimes awkward girl who loves her friends, hockey, and penguins. THUPER HAWT. usually green eyes. laughs like a little school girl about the guy she likes. acts like a puppy; very loyal, loveable and likes to go on long walks. eats WAAAAAAAY too much. spends too much time on msn. LOVES music. bad speller. there is nothing you can't like about an Arlen
"hey what are you up to?"
"oh you know, just watching hockey, eating, sitting in my penguin room, listening to music, talking on msn to my boyfriend *blushes* i'm going for a walk later, wanna come?"
"you're such an arlen"
by HulioGonzolez January 27, 2009
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Arlene is a salty person that is a great friend
by #salty #arlene February 25, 2018
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An old-middle aged white lady who works in a school office as a secretary.
Person 1: Hey did you go down to the office?
Person 2: Yeah!
Person 1: Who did you talk to?
Person 2: I don’t remember... some old-middle aged white lady
Person 1: Oh that must be Arlene!
by UrbanDictionaryLegend565768 August 28, 2020
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arlens speech

Only the best speech, the only thing that ever came close to it was Ben's fire diss track.
"Did you hear about arlens speech it was only the greatest".
by Beng doggy dogg March 28, 2018
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Princess Arlene

A princess from Southern California. Inland Empire. Very intelligent young lady. Sexy too!
by your manz January 29, 2009
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