4 definitions by diemeisterin
dylann roof is my little bowlcut baby!
by diemeisterin July 22, 2017
very precious, beautiful young man with a really cute nose who had a thing for guns and explosive things. also, he killed people along with his best friend dylan klebold before killing himself with his shotgun called arlene. he was also known as reb and he hated a lot of things.
rip eric, may heaven provide you with free slimjims for all eternity.
rip eric, may heaven provide you with free slimjims for all eternity.
person I: how about that dude over there, should we invite him?
person II: no, we can't let that weird looking eric harris kid come along, oh fucking no.
person II: no, we can't let that weird looking eric harris kid come along, oh fucking no.
by diemeisterin July 22, 2017
eric harris's 12 gauge pump-action savage springfield 67h shotgun, sawed off to 26 inches in total length.
by diemeisterin July 22, 2017