Apocalypse Now is a movie based off the plot of the Joseph Conrad's 1902 novella "Heart of Darkness". The movie was directed by Francis Ford Coppola and stars Martin Sheen as Captain Benjamin L. Willard and Marlon Brando as Colonel Kurtz. Although the book was set in the Congo, the film was made into a Nam movie and was therefore set in Vietnam and Cambodia during the war. The basic plot is that Willard is sent up river to kill the rogue Colonel, who has been operating without orders and out of U.S. military control for some time. Both the book "Heart of Darkness" and the film "Apocalypse Now" are very symbollic and offer unique interpretations on several themes, but rather than try to discuss all of these you should really just read/watch the book/movie and keep an open mind.
"Apocalypse Now" is a pretty crazy movie that makes a lot more sense if you read "Heart of Darkness" First.
by Steve Martin January 29, 2007
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A "Rectum Apocalypse" occurs when Satan emerges from ones anus to destroy the world. You can also describe an extroardinarily large dump as a rectum apocalypse, or an anal armageddon.
Teacher: "Billy, I told you that you had 3 minutes in the bathroom! You're 30 minutes late!"
Billy: "Sorry, Teach! I had the rectum apocalypse!"
by Matt Bonn October 4, 2006
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One of the greatest movies of all time and it happens to be my favorite movie.
It's a Vietnam movie about Martin Sheen going on a mission to kill an insane Marlon Brando.
The horror. The horror.
by Blake February 19, 2005
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The ability to view any woman as hot during a post-apocalyptic scenario and not be held accountable for one's actions. Because, well, being the last woman on the face of the Earth makes her the hottest woman on Earth. The ultimate form of "Beer Goggles".
I think I boned that zombie girl that lives in the dumpster behind Safeway. Talk about apocalypse goggles! Am I right?
by Pierre Fontanelle April 7, 2011
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A psychological or physiological state of anxiety that has recently developed in society which has created feelings of fear, worry, uneasiness and dread due to an overabundance of media being produced with "End of the world" themes, coupled with the Mayan, Egyptian, I-Ching,Web-Bot predictions all pointing to an Apocalypse or deadly transformation from the world as we know it on Dec. 21st, 2012. People suffering from this anxiety start to lose interest or hope for their future which often times leads to a doomed outlook for success or even losing an interest in success itself for that matter because they feel it will all be in vain.
My brother Tony said he is not going to bother with college once he graduates High School this year because he is sure the world is going to end next year. I think he is suffering from Apocalypse Anxiety after this three day Youtube binge on 2012 videos.
by cyberobotic June 22, 2011
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Thoughtless, careless sex happening right before a major disaster or possible ending of the world, without thought of consequences.
Figuring that this was the end of the world I turned to the girl sitting next to me and said 'why not' as we commenced to have passionate apocalypse sex; I just hoped that this time, it was for real...
by Fox64 January 3, 2008
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Once one of the most popular games on Roblox, Apoc is an online multiplayer pvp zombie survival game. The game has since been abandoned by its developers, Gusmanak and ZolarKeth. The community mostly consists of hackers and other incredibly toxic players nowadays.
by jmanx360 December 23, 2019
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